Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Ordeal Begins

Finally after much soul searching and brooding, I've decided to join a Gym. Not only that I spent a good 200 bucks which included entry fee, 2 months fees, and 3 sessions with a personal trainer. Felt too lazy and chickened out in going to the gym on the first day, but today I thought since I've paid for it might as well give it a shot. So I went.

The trainer was a guy of Indian origin. Half-Indian Half-American. The ones famous by ABCD - American Born Confused Desis. Anyways, he pushed me a lot. Made me do lots of stomach crunches, chest exercises, push ups, and at the end of the 30 minute workout I was famished.

It was complicated by the fact that I had drunk only 1/2 glasses of water today. So that made me dehydrated very very fast. After the workout, I drank water water like a fish out of water. And the nuts I had eaten before the workout coupled with lack of water and the strenuous workout, made me nauseous and I threw up.

But surprisingly, I felt much better after that. The drive back home seemed the longest 7 minute drive ever. I was dying to just fall down and collapse on the bed. And thats just what I did the minute I came home. And now a good 4 hours later, I'm lying in my bed with every muscle in my arm aching.

But I'm feeling rather good. :-) Hope the gym routine continues.


Keshi said...

The aching bit is really the working bit. So it's great. ur on ur way to a better and healthier body Ram. COOL!


Ram said...

Thanks Keshi.
