Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tell Me Your Dreams...

No, this is not a book review of the Sidney Sheldon bestseller. Actually far from it. This is more of a continuation from where I left off from the Mind Reading post.

It is so very very interesting to understand the working of the human mind. It plays awesome tricks and creates some illusions which it knows will have an effect which will last much after the desire is experienced. Not only that, the mind is so devious that - in creating the illusion, it somehow uses your deepest, ardent unfulfilled desire and manipulates it in the illusion.

Okay so you think whats my point here? Let me cite you some examples which I've experienced.

A couple of years back there used to be an FM channel which was being aired in Bombay by the name Go-92.5 FM. I used to love the channel. I was addicted to it and completely into it - of course one reason was that they were the only channel which played a good mix of English and Hindi music. Even the RJ-ing of the prime-time programmes was in English which suits me just fine because I normally prefer English to Hindi.

I used to listen to the station from Mon to Sat. I loved the morning show. It was called Good Morning Mumbai and used to be aired from 07:00 am to 11:00 am by two RJs, Jaggu and Tarana. They were hilarious and made an awesome pair. I also participated in some of the contests they ran and also won a couple of prizes.

So everything was hunky-dory until one fine morning in 2006 they decided to go ALL HINDI. There was a huge public out-cry. There's also an online petition and if you're interested please click here. I was pretty upset to know about it and of course I signed the online petition. In the deepest corner of my mind I knew that I adored the channel and felt really really sad that it had become a Hindi-Only channel.

Now, a couple of months later I woke up from a very startling dream and as soon as I came-to, I just laughed my heart out. Why?? The dream that I had was related to this above incident. I had a dream that one morning I come to know that the FM channel has decided to become Hindi-only channel and my favorite RJ's Jaggu and Tarana were no longer hosting the morning show together.

So I become so enraged, that I barge into the office of the Radio Station and storm into the room from where the broadcast was happening. I can see both Jaggu and Tarana sitting and chatting about they being separated and I just slap them hard not once, not twice atleast 4-5 times. They are shocked to see my behavior and call the studio guards who then try to subdue me.

I kick and wriggle like crazy to get away from their grasp and thats when I feel something hit my head and I scream and my dream is broken. I find that in all the wriggling and the excitement I had banged my head against the wall and thats why my head hurt.

This is just one such example of how the mind manipulates our desires to create an illusion. I've had many such dreams.

Before coming to the US, I used to work for another boss and because of this new assignment, I reported to a new boss. I used to admire my old boss and always nurtured this feeling of going back to working under her. She is a lady of very strong character and dedication and she's always given me good support. Of course my new boss is also good but since I had started of my career under my old boss I always wanted to work under her.

So one night I had this dream about my old boss calling me here in the US and asking me about my present work. She tells me about an opportunity of working under her and I promptly answer that I am ready to join her project immediately.

Now I don't exactly remember how the dream got broken but then when I woke up I realized that I had this dream and again just smiled.

It is unbelievable how the mind "knows" about our desires and manifests our dreams based on our desires. Its fascinating. Mind-Blowing!!


Keshi said...

dreams are often whats in the sub-conscious.

**I find that in all the wriggling and the excitement I had banged my head against the wall and thats why my head hurt.

LOL Rama!

I have weird dreams...often something thats abt to happen and it will really happen. Its freaky!


Ram said...

Hi Keshi,

Actually I dont get premonition type dreams, but I do get the feeling of Deja Vu quite a number of times. And yes its freaky. :-)
